One to ones
A bespoke one to one with Alice or Mark from The Performers' Playground
£100 for two hours face to face
(Room hire not included but we can advise)
Are you looking for physical and playful input into a character you are working on?
Would you like to break your habits and discover freedom with your chosen text?
Are you preparing for an audition or performance?
Then our one to ones are for you!
"The summer school and the few hours I spent with you were absolutely golden. My characterisation was described as flawless. I found something new every night and enjoyed every second. thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Karen Stuart

Expressive Movement Sessions
4 hours (can be in groups of up to 6 people)
£200 + room hire (payment to be made separately)
Want to explore ways to develop the physical language in your ensemble?
Want to become confident in leading movement sessions with your groups?
OR something specific to your needs and interests. Get in touch to discuss.